
RealMe new page elements

Our primary brand colour Tangerine has been carefully chosen to be vibrant and make it easy for people to recognise. The logo emphasises security, with a human touch. It suits a wide range of formats and is recognisable at smaller sizes. These are the only acceptable colour applications of the RealMe logo:

The RealMe elements are intended to be flexible enough to work with your website look and feel, but also identifiable to users as a common means of logging in and proving identity information online. Presenting the RealMe logo and elements in a consistent way is vital to maintaining the brand. 

Login service 

The button is pill shaped with rounded corners and uses our Web Tangerine colour to ensure 4.5:1 contrast ratios.

Log in button style

The button can be used in isolation or with added support text for users who may not already be familiar with RealMe.

Log in buttons with and without added text

Assertion service 

The same button is used but with a change to the text for the assertion service:

Prove your identity button

Download our Style Guide [PDF, 10 MB],  [ZIP, 1.9 MB]logo and icons [ZIP, 1.9 MB] for your use.